Planning for a vacation increases happiness!

In an article “10 Scientific ways to make yourself happier” I read recently, I am very surprised that planning for a vacation has its honours in one of the 10 ways!

Here’s a snapshot of what it was written:

It is true that when I plan my trip I get all hyped up and very excited! That definitely boosted my mood and elevated my happiness.

I must say, while it is nice to actually be at that place for vacation that I planned, I did not feel happier than during the planning phase, on the contrary, I tried to savour every moment before it all goes away very soon. Ironic, isn’t it?

Although there are some times I still get hyped and excited when I go off my planned itinerary and find something new, I do prefer to do what I had planned to go and completed.
Nevertheless, a vacation overall is always an uplifter.
Don’t you think so?
More stories soon and be happier!!

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